So after much debate and some discussion with some of my peers in the photography world, I have decided to take the plunge into the abyss of this world that is called blogging. I figured I needed to start out with a simple image. perhaps because of the way that I am feeling today, or just the way I feel when I look at it. Never the less I felt it appropriate to begin. It is one that leaves much open for discussion and growth both about the image and the world of images and photography as a whole. I hope you find this blog helpful as I was told, to both get to know me and my work. Check back often and comment freely on whatever topics strike your fancy. Thank you for taking the time to visit. I hope no matter how long your stay or how often we meet that you truely enjoy the journey of your own life and I hope that I may have the opportunity to capture just a bit of your spirit in my work if I do have the privilege of ever being able to photograph you or about you. If nothing else and we do not meet I hope you are capitvated and inspired in your own lives to never let a moment slip by undocumented in some way. Your children, and future generations will thank you for your legacy as well. Live, Laugh, and photograph often!
1 comment:
Hi Kate,
I randomly came across your site through the 'Blogger Play' feature which shows pictures that have just been uploaded. Your image struck me so I clicked on it! (And on your first day too!!)
All the best with your blog.
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